The Hixon Writing Center currently employs professional staff and undergraduate staff. We do not have positions for graduate students at this time.
Our professional staff roles include STEM Writing Specialist, Writing Specialist, and Office Administrator. We do not currently have an active search for any of these positions.
If you are interested in future opportunities for professional staff positions, we recommend that you visit the Caltech HR jobs website and complete a search with the description keyword "Hixon." After you complete a search, you can create an email alert for that search. (Look for the bell icon.) Then, you should receive emails for any future professional staff jobs we post.
We typically recruit new undergraduate staff once a year from mid-January to mid-February. Look for directory emails and flyers on campus. While the search is open, a page will appear on our website with details about hiring. (From our "People" page, there will be a sub-page under the "Peer Tutors" page.) Training for the peer tutor role happens in spring term, and the first direct work with writers occurs in fall the following academic year.