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Person Spotlight

Make your writing soar
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BBE/GPS Postdoctoral Scholar

It's been enormously helpful to learn about the grant writing process from an HWC STEM Writing Specialist throughout the course of our one-on-one meetings. Her feedback was often focusing on the big picture, on how to use the different parts of the application to convey an exciting and realistic plan to build a new lab. I now see writing as a way to refine and share my science, and this also helps to win support for new ideas."

take your writing to the next level
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Graduate Student

The writing specialist helped me word my essay more clearly and establish a good outline to be put into the introductory paragraph. Even though the essay was long, she stayed attentive and engaged with the content and actively offered helpful feedback. Couldn't be happier with my session."

elevate your writing
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EAS Undergraduate Student

Thank you for helping me craft my personal statement for grad school. I am happy to say that I was admitted to every university I applied to, including MIT, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon! Although it's going to be a tough decision, I'm very excited about my options."

beaver with pencil
  • Testimonial

Graduate Student

The writing specialist was incredibly encouraging. I met with her when I was feeling very stressed and anxious about my thesis, but from the very start of our meeting, she helped me gain confidence and perspective on my work, and just made my writing process so much less stressful and happier. Her positive attitude was infectious and, even more than her specific suggestions (while also very helpful), was what was most valuable to me about the meeting."